Brian Gardner Mobile-First - Jesse Petersen Sassified

Starter theme for the Genesis Framework based on a mobile-first apporach, Sassified for developers by Jesse Petersen

View the Project on GitHub pmgllc/bg-mobile-first-jp-sass

Mobile-First Starter Theme for Developers.

I've used BG Mobile First Theme quite a few times to start projects. Now that it's matured to 1.0.4, it was time to Sassify it for developers. I did this in a half-day, so if you find any errors or stupid things, please do pitch in with a pull request. I won't be offended, I promise. I made this as a tool to make the world a better place.


Update - 19 July 2016
I need to update the responsive menu stuff to match Genesis 2.3. This was right before the <button> improvements for A11Y and it's on my list to update this before I release my premium themes.